How Will I Lead Them

Recently I began reading through “The Story; The Bible As One Continuing Story Of God And His People.”

Today’s reading took me to the part of the story where the Israelites are about to enter the beautiful and abundant land  that God had promised them.  Moses, who had been their leader,  was nearing the end of his life on Earth. Because of disobedience to the Lord, he was not going to be allowed to enter the promised land.

You may recall that when God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, calling him to lead his people out of Egypt,  Moses was not at all confident in his leadership abilities–much less his speaking abilities. But God assured him the he was the man for the job and that God would surely equip him.

Before Moses dies, he leaves his people with a few powerful and effective speeches. So powerful that his words of encouragement and instruction  “kept the people faithful, focused and hopeful for many years” (The Story, page 87).


Did you notice the transformation there?

After providing a summary of Moses’ messages to his people, TheStory has this to say about his growth from being afraid to speak, to delivering such moving words that we study and follow them today:

“Moses knew God well, and he loved the people.”

[Silence from me while you to let that wash over you]

“Moses knew God well, and he loved the people.”

That sentence just jumped off the page and into my heart.

As a christian writer and more importantly, a mom, I am in a place of leadership. Like it or not. I can spend hours a day reading books and blogs about parenting, leadership, ministry, and personal development. Those are all good and profitable, but a person can still feel ill suited for the task.

“But Lord”, I might ask, “What will I say? How will I lead them? I am not worthy of such a high calling.”

And now I can hear Him answering:

“Know me well, and love those people.”

Are you in a place of leadership? If there is even one person who looks to you as an example, the answer is yes. Like it or not.

If you struggle with being afraid of this seemingly monumental task of leading those that look to you, remember these words.  “Know me well, and love those people.” Make it your priority to know Him well and to do everything you do out of love. He will do the same transformation in you that he did in Moses. I’m sure of it.
