When Compassion Trumps Advice, and Blame is Counterproductive
…we’ve forgotten how to empathize, and to sit quietly, helplessly, in someone else’s pain.
We’ve forgotten the power of empathy and compassion and are bent on being problem solvers.
Is It OK To Cry, Even If I Claim To Trust God?
Hi friend! I'm so glad you came by, we have so much to talk about... **********sips coffee, breathes deep, and begins the conversation************* I’m very blessed to be part of a small group of Christian blogging moms. We meet in a private facebook group and we talk...
How You Can Be A Blessing To A Tired Mom
This post is part of a blog series on a topic that is weighing heavy on my heart. As I look around I’m seeing busy people all around me, and fewer meaningful, mutually edifying relationships. I’ve personally been hurt by our culture’s lack of community, and I know...
The Abundant Blessings Of Fellowship: Are You Too Busy To Claim Them?
Are you too busy for a girls' night out? Can't take time to catch up on the phone? When was the last time you had lunch with a trusted friend? Are you skipping Ladies' Bible study because you've been told recently that you need to prune activities from your busy...
Learning To Embrace Seasons Of Solitude
“I feel so isolated”. That’s what I said to a friend of mine several years ago while visiting for a few minutes after church. Little did I know that even deeper isolation was on my horizon. It wasn’t the first time in my life I had felt alone and...
When You Need Community
A guest post from my friend Nancy Backues. Please be sure and read about her below and connect with her on her website. Thanks Nancy! I know people will be blessed by this message! I held a feverish, crying infant in one arm and the phone in the other....