Is It OK To Cry, Even If I Claim To Trust God?

Is It OK To Cry, Even If I Claim To Trust God?

Hi friend! I'm so glad you came by, we have so much to talk about... **********sips coffee, breathes deep, and begins the conversation************* I’m very blessed to be part of a small group of Christian blogging moms. We meet in a private facebook group and we talk...

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How You Can Be A Blessing To A Tired Mom

How You Can Be A Blessing To A Tired Mom

This post is part of a blog series on a topic that is weighing heavy on my heart. As I look around I’m seeing busy people all around me, and fewer meaningful, mutually edifying relationships. I’ve personally been hurt by our culture’s lack of community, and I know...

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Learning To Embrace Seasons Of Solitude

Learning To Embrace Seasons Of Solitude

    “I feel so isolated”. That’s what I said to a friend of mine several years ago while visiting for a few minutes after church. Little did I know that even deeper isolation was on my horizon. It wasn’t the first time in my life I had felt alone and...

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When You Need Community

When You Need Community

A guest post from my friend Nancy Backues. Please be sure and read about her below and connect with her on her website. Thanks Nancy! I know people will be blessed by this message!     I held a feverish, crying infant in one arm and the phone in the other....

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