It’s So Good To See You Smile
But How Will I Lead Them?
Refreshed by an Unfair God
Let’s Make it a Great Year
Stepping up to Offer my Small Gift
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Does God Really Love Me?
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I Will Meditate on His Unfailing love (Psalm 48:9)
When All You Can Do Is Pray
I Wish I Was a Mom Like That
Do you pale in comparison when you look at other moms? Stop it! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Live your strengths, thank God for them. Be thankful for the strengths of those around you but stop trying to be someone els. It would be a boring and ineffective world if we all had the same strengths.
Is Your Example Really Enough?
Do you feel comfortable leaving your kids’ faith to whatever they happen to find for themselves or see in your example? I don’t. Let’s commit to using every opportunity we have to “Tell of all his wonderful acts” (1 Chronicles 16:9a)
“Train Up A Child…” It’s Not What You Think
I could write a whole article on the devastating misconceptions in this teaching; e.g., the idea that bringing a child to church is what God had in mind when
Just Sit There and be Quiet
I wonder: Can I get to a point where I can be still before God even before I’m totally spent? Can I learn to be still even when things are going my way and I have plenty to say?
What Makes Home Schooling Worth it for Me?
While I don’t usually take lightly to someone else making my decisions for me, I insist on being in a position that allows me to let God make my decisions for me.
My Biggest Home Schooling Challenge (and How God is Using it)
When I give God what I have, He gives me what I need.