Why did I create this website?

Because I thoroughly enjoy connecting my friends with people who can help:

My husband and I started thinking about homeschooling before we even had children. When our first child was two years old I began taking a more serious look at materials and reading about the different approaches to home education. My sister helped a great deal simply by connecting me with people who could help. She introduced me (by way of their books and books about them) to Raymond Moore and Charlotte Mason, and books such as For the Children’s Sake and Books Children love. As I explored, I was introduced to more and more people who would help me to determine and shape my philosophy of education as well as encourage me on my journey of godly womanhood. My sister couldn’t have possibly had every answer I needed, but she did connect me to people who could help. I hope that in the areas of homemaking, homeschooling, and home business, I can do the same for you.

Because, We are told in Titus 2 that the older women should teach the younger women:

And as difficult as it is to admit, I’m becoming an “older woman.” It occurred to me not long ago that there are women just starting out with marriage and parenting who are… can I bring myself to say it… much younger than I!  And do you know what that means? It’s time I start being available to the younger women, to teach them to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. (Titus 2:4-5) I’m still learning and growing. I depend on godly women to encourage me, teach me, and  show me the way. It is my hope and prayer that God will take what he has done in me so far and use it to be a blessing to those he puts in my path.

Because I love visiting with friends!

I love it when I get a chance to just relax and chat with  friends. We talk about everything from our latest efforts in making whole wheat bread to  what resources we’re using to educate our children. There have been times in my life when I didn’t have a friend close enough that we could physically visit. Even now that I live in a less rural area and attend a much larger church, it can still be difficult to carve out time to be with friends. We’re all busy taking care of our families, as it should be. Still, we need each other and we do get together as often as we can. This site is for those in between times, and more importantly, for those women out there who may not have a friend who is close enough to physically spend time with. I hope that this will be a place for you to find friendship. Not only with me, but with the other women who choose to “hang out” here with us.